Piano Tuning
This Full-Service rate covers more than 95% of the pianos that I see and includes many of the minor adjustments that I frequently find at a first visit.
The appointment may last between two and three hours.
Don't get nickel-and-dimed. Be sure to check out my blog on Hidden Tuning Fees and The Most Important thing you need to know when hiring a Tuner.
Of course, if the piano is extremely out of tune or requires larger repairs, there may be additional fees.

Piano Repair
Please note: I do not work on player systems or electronics, nor do I do structural or external finish repair (broken legs, polyester scratches, etc).
For all other repairs, please contact Jay
for a consultation
Non-Standard Tuning
If your piano was built prior to the 1890's - Square Grands, Pianofortes, English Over-Dampers ("Birdcage" Pianos), and other rare Instruments require a special touch, special tools, and a lot more time to tune.
Service prices for these instruments start at $300 and depend on the difficulty of the job. Please contact us for an estimate on your unusual piano.